Amazon Sword Live Aquarium Plant Complete Guide

Amazon Sword Live Aquarium Plant Complete Guide

How To Care For Amazon Sword Plants: A Complete Guide

The Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus) is one of the most popular and striking plants in the aquarium hobby. Known for its broad, sword-shaped leaves, this plant brings a lush, natural aesthetic to aquariums. It is an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced aquarium hobbyists due to its adaptability and relatively low maintenance.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about caring for Amazon Sword plants. From the ideal water conditions to common issues and troubleshooting, we’ll cover all the aspects that will help your Amazon Sword thrive in your tank.

What is the Amazon Sword Plant?

The Amazon Sword, or Echinodorus amazonicus, is a freshwater plant native to the Amazon River Basin in South America. This plant is renowned for its ability to grow large, broad leaves that resemble the shape of a sword—hence its name. Amazon Sword plants have long, green leaves that grow upward and out from a central rosette, making them a great background plant in aquariums.

Although it's native to slow-moving, nutrient-rich waters in the wild, the Amazon Sword has proven itself to be quite adaptable in home aquariums. It is commonly found in many freshwater tanks and is highly regarded for its beauty and utility.

Why You Should Add Amazon Sword Plants to Your Aquarium

1. Aesthetic Appeal

The Amazon Sword’s large, vibrant green leaves provide an instant focal point in any tank. Its bold and dramatic appearance makes it a great centerpiece plant. Amazon Swords often grow upwards and can have a natural cascading effect when placed towards the back or sides of your tank.

2. Easy to Grow

Unlike many aquarium plants that can be fussy about their environment, Amazon Sword plants are hardy and relatively low-maintenance. They thrive in a range of water conditions and are an ideal choice for hobbyists new to freshwater plants.

3. Oxygen Production

As a living plant, the Amazon Sword contributes to the overall health of your aquarium by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen during photosynthesis. This helps keep the water quality stable and provides oxygen for fish, invertebrates, and other plants in the tank.

4. Algae Control

Like other live plants, Amazon Swords absorb excess nutrients, particularly nitrogen, and phosphates, from the water column. This nutrient uptake helps control the growth of algae, which can be a common problem in aquariums with high nutrient levels. The Amazon Sword effectively competes with algae for these resources.

5. Fish Habitat

The broad, dense leaves of the Amazon Sword provide excellent hiding spots for fish, particularly fry or shy species. The plant helps create a more natural environment for your fish, offering them places to rest, forage, and seek shelter.

Amazon Sword Plant Care Requirements

1. Lighting Conditions

Amazon Swords are relatively tolerant of different lighting conditions, but the right amount of light is essential for optimal growth.

  • Low to moderate light: Amazon Sword plants will thrive in low to moderate light levels, but they will grow more slowly in low light. If you want your plant to grow faster and become more vibrant, moderate light is the way to go.
  • High light: With strong lighting, the plant’s growth rate will increase, and you will likely see more vibrant colors in its leaves. However, high light also means that algae might be more likely to grow, especially in tanks with excess nutrients.

It’s important to note that Amazon Swords can tolerate low light, but their growth may be stunted if light is too dim. For best results, aim for a light intensity of around 2 to 3 watts per gallon if you have a standard aquarium setup.

2. Water Conditions

Amazon Swords are flexible in terms of water conditions but still have preferences to thrive. Below are the key parameters you should monitor:

  • Water temperature: 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C). The Amazon Sword is comfortable in slightly warmer water temperatures, making it suitable for tropical fish tanks.
  • pH level: 6.5 to 7.5. Amazon Swords prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH, though they can tolerate a range of pH levels.
  • Water hardness: 3-8 dGH (degrees of general hardness). Soft to moderately hard water is ideal for Amazon Swords.
  • Water flow: A gentle to moderate water flow is preferable. While the plant can adapt to various flow rates, strong currents might damage the plant or prevent it from growing properly.

Maintaining stable water conditions is key to ensuring the Amazon Sword's health. Frequent water changes are highly recommended to prevent any build-up of excess nutrients, especially if you have a high bioload in your tank.

3. Substrate Requirements

Unlike many other aquatic plants, Amazon Sword plants do best when planted in a nutrient-rich substrate. The plant’s roots require a substrate that will provide both anchorage and nutrients.

  • Ideal substrate: A fine-gravel or nutrient-rich aquarium soil is perfect for Amazon Swords. Avoid using coarse gravel that may not allow the plant’s roots to penetrate deeply. If you want to boost nutrient availability, you can also add a layer of plant root tabs or liquid fertilizers designed for rooted plants.
  • Depth of substrate: A substrate depth of around 2-3 inches is ideal for Amazon Swords to establish their roots and absorb nutrients effectively.

4. Fertilization

Amazon Sword plants are heavy feeders, which means they require regular access to nutrients. They absorb nutrients from both the water column and the substrate. While the Amazon Sword can do fine with some natural nutrients, adding fertilizer ensures robust growth and vibrant leaves.

  • Liquid fertilizers: A liquid fertilizer rich in macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) is a great option for supplementing the water.
  • Root tabs: In addition to liquid fertilizers, you may want to add nutrient tablets designed for substrate-dwelling plants. These provide the essential nutrients directly to the plant’s root system, which is vital for growth.
  • Frequency: Fertilize the plant regularly (every 2-4 weeks), but be careful not to over-fertilize as this can lead to algae growth and other water quality issues.

5. Pruning and Maintenance

Amazon Swords have a tendency to grow large, and their leaves can spread out considerably. Regular pruning is important to keep the plant from taking over the tank and to promote healthy growth.

  • How to prune: Trim the older or damaged leaves at the base near the crown. You can also cut back any overly large or dead leaves to keep the plant looking tidy.
  • How often to prune: Depending on the growth rate, Amazon Sword plants should be pruned every 1-2 months. If the plant starts to crowd other plants or fish, a more frequent pruning schedule may be necessary.

6. Common Problems and Troubleshooting

Even though Amazon Sword plants are relatively easy to care for, they can still encounter a few problems. Below are some common issues and how to address them:

1. Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves can indicate several things, including nutrient deficiencies (such as potassium or iron), poor lighting, or water quality issues. Ensure you’re using a nutrient-rich substrate, and check your water parameters. Regular fertilization may also help prevent yellowing leaves.

  • Action: Provide more nutrients via liquid fertilizers or root tabs and check that your lighting conditions are appropriate.

2. Slow Growth

If your Amazon Sword is growing slowly or not growing at all, it could be a sign of insufficient lighting, low water temperatures, or poor substrate conditions. The plant needs a minimum of moderate lighting to thrive, along with nutrient-rich soil.

  • Action: Increase lighting intensity, add more fertilizer, and make sure your substrate is rich in nutrients.

3. Small Leaves

If your Amazon Sword’s leaves are smaller than usual, it might not be receiving enough light or nutrients.

  • Action: Provide more light, use fertilizers, and check the water conditions to ensure it’s within the ideal range.

Best Tank Mates for Amazon Sword

Amazon Swords are compatible with a wide range of tank mates, making them a versatile choice for many aquariums. They’re a peaceful plant that won't harm fish and can help create a natural environment. Here are some compatible tank mates:

1. Peaceful Fish

Fish such as tetras, guppies, and bettas are excellent tank mates for Amazon Sword plants. These species are unlikely to damage the plant and will benefit from the shelter the Amazon Sword provides.

2. Bottom-Dwelling Fish

Species like Corydoras catfish and loaches do well in tanks with Amazon Swords because they often forage at the substrate level, which helps keep the area around the roots clean without disturbing the plant.

3. Invertebrates

Shrimp, snails, and other invertebrates can be housed in tanks with Amazon Swords. In fact, the dense leaves make it an excellent hiding place for shrimp and small invertebrates.

4. Algae Eaters

Species such as otocinclus catfish and plecos can help keep algae levels down in a tank with Amazon Sword plants. They will enjoy grazing on the algae that may grow on the plant’s leaves.


The Amazon Sword is a beautiful, versatile, and relatively low-maintenance plant that can thrive in a variety of freshwater aquariums. With its attractive, broad leaves and easy-to-manage care requirements, it’s no wonder that it’s a favorite among aquarium hobbyists. By providing it with appropriate lighting, nutrient-rich substrate, and regular fertilization, you can ensure that your Amazon Sword will grow strong, healthy, and vibrant.

This plant not only enhances the aesthetic of your tank but also contributes to a healthier environment for your fish and other aquatic creatures. Whether you're new to aquatic gardening or an experienced enthusiast, adding an Amazon Sword to your aquarium is a rewarding experience.

Have you added an Amazon Sword to your tank? Share your experiences, tips, and any questions you have in the comments below!

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